Sumiden Serasi Wire Products | Sumiden Indonesia | Spring | PC | Bead | OT | Steel Cord

Special Wire

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Piano Wire | Sumiden Serasi Wire Products | Sumiden Indonesia


Size 0.18 ~ 9.00 mm

Tolerance Ovality
Tensile Strength
Twist / Wrapping Coil Weight
0.18 ± 0.004 0.004 2600 - 2890 2890 - 3190 Wrapping Min. 4 Turn (No Crack) 5 - 10
0.20 2600 - 2840 2840 - 3090 5 - 10
0.23 ± 0.008 0.008 2550 - 2790 2790 - 3040 5 - 10
0.26 2500 - 2750 2750 - 2990 5 - 10
0.29 2450 - 2700 2700 - 2940 5 - 10
0.32 2400 - 2650 2650 - 2890 15 - 30
0.35 2400 - 2650 2650 - 2890 20 - 35
0.40 2350 - 2600 2600 - 2840 20 - 35
0.45 2300 - 2550 2550 - 2790 20 - 35
0.50 2300 - 2550 2550 - 2790 20 - 35
0.55 ± 0.010 0.010 2260 - 2500 2500 - 2750 20 - 35
0.60 2210 - 2450 2450 - 2700 20 - 35
0.65 2210 - 2450 2450 - 2700 20 - 35
0.70 2160 - 2400 2400 - 2650 Twist min 25 Times 30 - 50
0.80 2110 - 2350 2350 - 2600 30 - 50
0.90 2110 - 2300 2300 - 2500 40 - 60
1.00 2060 - 2260 2260 - 2450 70 - 100
1.10 ± 0.015 0.015 2010 - 2210 2210 - 2400 Min. 25 Times 70 - 100
1.20 2010 - 2210 2210 - 2400 70 - 100
1.40 1960 - 2160 2160 - 2350 70 - 100
1.60 1910 - 2110 2110 - 2300 70 - 100
1.80 1860 - 2060 2060 - 2260 150 - 200
2.00 1810 - 2010 2010 - 2210 150 - 200
2.30 ± 0.020 0.020 1770 - 1960 1960 - 2160 Min. 20 Times 150 - 200
2.60 1770 - 1960 1960 - 2160 150 - 200
2.90 1720 - 1910 1910 - 2110 150 - 200
3.00 1670 - 1860 1860 - 2060 150 - 200
3.20 1670 - 1860 1860 - 2060 200 - 350
3.50 ± 0.030 0.030 1670 - 1810 1810 - 1960 200 - 350
4.00 1670 - 1810 1810 - 1960 Min. 15 Times 200 - 350
4.50 1620 - 1770 1770 - 1910 200 - 350
5.00 1620 - 1770 1770 - 1910 200 - 350
5.50 1570 - 1710 1710 - 1860 350 - 500
6.00 ± 0.040 0.040 1520 - 1670 1670 - 1810 350 - 500
6.50 1520 - 1670 1670 - 1810 Bending 90° 350 - 500
7.00 1470 - 1620 1620 - 1770 350 - 500
7.80 1470 - 1620 1620 - 1770 350 - 500
8.00 1470 - 1620 1620 - 1770 350 - 500
9.00 ± 0.050 0.050 1420 - 1570 - 350 - 500

Note : for TS wire that exist between the diameter of the table above, its value can follow the larger size of the closest.
           Example: TS product Ø 1.30 mm following the standard Ø 1.40 mm

Sumiden Serasi Wire Products | Sumiden-Indonesia | Spring | PC | Bead | OT | Steel Cord